Sunday, March 14, 2010

1st day on the bike

Outside on the bike for the first time since I tore my ACL. Essentially my first day of 2010 on a bicycle outside. It was AWESOME. Pretty sad initially. The first 30 minutes were spent freaking out, hoping I wouldn't crash or fall or something ridiculous. After that though, I got into a groove. I feel that my fitness is actually pretty good. I have been riding 20 - 30 minutes a day on an exercise bike for the last 5 weeks. And at high cadences no less. Rode for 2 hours. I'll get there. My right leg looks about 2/3 the size of my left leg. Take it easy.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Plushenko seems to be a sore loser and somewhat a bit of a cry baby.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Indians are taking over.

Yesterday got the okay from the surgeon to ride outside. 4 weeks out from my ACL reconstruction and he says your good to go. Surgeon says I'm good to good to mountain bike also as long as I can clean what I ride.

This all made my day. What better way to celebrate than with the new Ranger IPA from New Belgium. Good tasting solid IPA. Anyway, I am a little leary about jumping on to the bike right now. I think I will continue my mind numbing trainer sessions for another week or two, before I take it outside.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Belgian waffles trumped by Pilsner Urquel

Stybar wins the 2010 Cyclocross World Championships.
Zdenek Stybar raced a mistake free race, putting the hammer down and soloed to victory in Tabor at the UCI world championships today.
Congrats to the US team in both mens and womens, who raced very strong.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Goodnight Tonight.

It was fun last night, watching Conan O'Brien on his last "Tonight" show performance. I am quite sad to see him go. Look forward to seeing his antics in the future. I kind of got upset with NBC executives, their fault that this was so dramatic. Poor programming descisions. Conan's speech took all that frustration away and made me think that the world is what you make it.
Conan stated, "I hate cynicism, it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
Good luck Conan, we will miss you.

PS and La Bamba too.

Friday, January 22, 2010

White Rim in a day; Do over

Looking forward to completing WRIAD this year. First attempt was aborted due to heavy rains the day/night before. We rode anyway, with the intention of just riding and getting to know the lay of the land. Mineral bottom road was a mess, covered in 6 inches of red mud.We rode for 6 hours. Headed down Schaeffer switchbacks and out past the Lathrop Canyon trail on the way back we took this trail down to the colorado river.

It was awesome and made me thirsty for the rest of the trail. Hopefully, my knee improves steadily and I can attempt later this year.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Post Op Boredom

There is only so much internet surfing, TV watching, game playing, couch sitting, European bike race watching, book reading, current events staying up with, food eating, that one person can take. Ahhhhh!!! It hasn't even been a week.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

ACL reconstructed

Had my surgery yesterday at 1pm or so. This is my right knee ~ 24 hours later. "Looking good" says the orthopedic surgeon and I have to agree. It does look pretty good . Not as swollen as I thought it would be. The night after the surgery was kind of rough. Groggy and slightly off balance. I felt sketchy on the crutches. Sarah would trail behind me , ready to catch me. I waited as long as I could before I got up to go to the bathroom. Eventually when I was able to urinate and was finished I then brushed my teeth . After finishing I got extremely nauseated. I rested my head against the wall and attempted not to fall over. Successful in that my wife eventually prodded me in to taking a medicine for nausea which worked immediately. I then high tailed it 'crutch style' back to my bed.
Today feeling "good". Was able to do my 100 daily push ups and put weight on foot using the crutches with ortho doc's blessing. I go to physical therapy tomorrow and start the work.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

King Corn

Seeing the orthopedic surgeon on thursday. In the meantime , I am keeping my knee on corn.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Torn ACL

Skiing yesterday at Keystone and tore my ACL . Initially a severe searing pain was experienced. I was on the slope in the outback and suffered a 10 -15 minute wave of nausea and cold sweat. Amazingly I did not have much pain after the first pain. I was able to ski out of there and rode the gondola down to the base. Iced it with snow the whole way home and kept it elevated the rest of the day. This morning went to the urgent care and had an MRI of the right knee. Diagnosis: torn ACL and tibial plateau avulsion fracture. Surgery in my future and a greatly delayed start to my mountain biking season.

We will see.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Numbers are cool! 01022010 is cool! Starting to get those miles in. Numbers are cool!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year.

May all your dreams come true.
