Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back from 24 Hours in the Sage. Achieved 2nd in the Solo Singlespeed division, putting in 16 laps for ~ 206miles. Got lapped by Dereck Fish a little after dawn. Rode with him for about 30minutes before I wasn't able to maintain his pace. This was my second 24 hour attempt. Having done the same race last year but had some GI issues. Exceeded my goals,( finishing strong, riding consistently, limiting down time, and averaging under 1:30 per lap).

Next day we rode the course once more myself, Sarah my wife and support crew, and Sally and Bob Irmiger. It is amazing how fast you regain your fine motor skills.
Gunnison is a pretty awesome place. Nice and laid back it seems. Mitch Fedak puts on a great race and staying at the Gunny KOA was again a pleasure.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Goodbye to Bernie!

Bernie Mac, one of the Kings of comedy dies at age 50. Take care.


ps Huge congrats go out to Dave Wiens, 6 in a row at Leadville!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Passport to Nirvana...

Today we rode an amazing stretch of singletrack! Flowing and effortless, techy and sweeping. All of this and in Boulder county no less. I wont give up it's location, for the lack of people was one of it's many virtues.

Excellent ride starting from the Boulder bus depot. Taking that to Nederland. Fueling up and riding out to West Magnolia trails and onward to the town of Eldora. Good to go. Past the 505 FR and rode to the 4th of July TH junction. Got our bearings back and rode back and started the climb up 505. Tough to say the least on a sspd. Sand and loose rocks, My arch enemies! Eventually made it to the top and Armin and I enjoyed the view, hoping it would not rain. Rode over and down to Rainbow Lakes rd and the southern terminus of the Sourdough trail. Decided against going up Sourdough based on the time, ~ 6pm and we were going to meet Sarah in Boulder for dinner and beers @ 8p. And also we were starting to get a little toasted.

We jumped on to peak to peak and rode out to Pennsylvannia Gulch road and then awhile on that rd and drop in to the campground area and the multitude of short fire rds and trails. Hit one of the best little sections of trail in Boulder county that I have ridden( does'nt mean much). Popping out on Sugarloaf road we road that and dropped into Boulder. According to my speedo I hit 50.2 MPH going down Sugarloaf, coasting. Keeping those wheel bearings loose really increases your speed ability. Eventually, Armin caught up with me and than we drank beers and ate great burgers.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Life is great but what is up with cheater lines?

Today I had a great day. Spent the morning with Sarah. Not doing much of anything in particular, but we seem to be firing on all cylinders. Just talking, messing about, playing with the dogs and our new bunnies. Bodhi seems as if he will eat the bunnies if given a chance. He spends the greater part of his time circling their hutch and licking his mouth. I used to think he was obsessed with just squirrels, but I now think it is all rodents.

Still reeling from work when one of my coworkers just up and quit during his shift yesterday. My jaw literally dropped. I hope he is doing okay.

A week and a half till the 24 hours in the Sage, out in Gunnison. Last year it was my first attempt at a 24solo. Attempt, I say because I had a massive GI disturbance, that basically shut my body down for 10 hours. Looking forward to completing it this year. Plan: Ride all day and night. Eat regularly and hydrate. Biggest change this year will be pacing from the start. No going out the gate with a fast first couple laps. Settling in will be my Mantra, or perhaps "I don't wanna go to rehab, ahhahha no no no".

Today went for a 5 hour ride, cyclocross bike on mixed fire roads, pavement,and single track is a good thing. I really am drinking the "29er Kool-aid", but I still believe the best bike ever created is my Bianchi San Jose single speed cross bike. Commuter,racer,roadie,easy single track,Boulder county explorer you name it.

Anyway I am making my way home to Lafayette and taking the Teller trail. I come down this section of trail with a mild downhill that has some water bars laid across. People just ride around the water bars and extend the trail. WTF! These water bars are like super small speed bumps. These are not anything like what you encounter riding White Ranch. Pathetic I thought. Then I had a change of heart and reasoned that it was people with not so good bikes. You know the type, people who ride Hybrids. The kind of bike that if it has suspension it is a "suspension seat post." How wrong I was. Going up to take this picture two girls rode down. They were on full suspension bikes. They rode the "Cheater Line"! WTF. And it is not as if they were on cross country full suspension bikes. They were on 5inchx5inch travel bikes. All I can say is lame. We as riders are always begging trail builders for more obstacles in the trail. "Hey man can you put some more rocks in the trail?" Then when we we are done building the trail you come back a year later and the turns are 20 feet wider and there are braids all about. I just don't get it. I think people just don't like to walk. So they pedal around the obstacles instead of over them. That way they don't look like a punk for getting off their bike and walking what they actually cannot ride.

By the way I had another great ride today!!!

Keep the rubber side down.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Here is a great site that is helping to show the benefits of bike commuting. Short trips are very easy by bike. Getting groceries and going to a local food joint by bike are the little things we can do to reduce our dependence on oil. I like the green color. Check it out.